When You’re Leaving to Study Abroad in Like Two Weeks

I am less than two weeks away from my fall semester adventure. One of the requirements for my Spanish minor is a semester abroad in a Spanish-speaking country. I have been toying with out-of-country travel for the past two years:

First I was majoring in Spanish and spending six months in Spain, starting in June.

Then I changed my major, deciding instead to minor in Spanish and spend three months in Argentina starting in July 2016.

Finally, after some circumstances outside of my control, I ended up deciding to spend three months in Costa Rica, from August to December. I fly out August 30th.

Let me tell you, that is approaching rather quickly, folks. A couple weeks ago I pulled out a suitcase and set it down in the corner of my room. Mission: Pack Three Months Worth of Your Life Into This Tiny Box That Will Sit Here And Give You Low-Key Anxiety Until You Are Packed Young Lady.

It’s still pretty empty, save for some skirts and dresses, which really doesn’t bode well.

So, if you’re wondering what kind of thoughts are going through my head, allow me to enlighten you:


How many pairs of underwear does one take when spending three months abroad?

I’d rather wear underwear twice the right way and twice inside out than actually wash my underwear.


Do they sell tampons in Costa Rica?

I wonder if Starbucks exists in Costa Rica *pulls up Google Maps and checks*

 Oh, good. Lots of Starbucks. I wonder if my gold card is valid there. I want my free drink on my birthday. *Googles whether or not gold card will work*

Darn it. No free drink for me.

Okay but really maybe I should buy new underwear for this trip.


Who decided to let me adult?

Well shat, my driver’s license is going to expire while I’m in Costa Rica.

I am literally two months away from getting a horizontal license; do I really need to get a vertical one again just because I’ll be out of the country when it expires? I’ve been looking forward to this for six years.

Is there a dress code in Costa Rica?

I’m usually the person who is randomly selected for a pat-down in an airport, but also usually my mom is with me so… I might cry if it happens when I’m alone.

Great, that would make me look so guilty.

Wait. I am going to miss actually half of NFL season for this.

And half of the NCIS season.


It’s a good thing I already bought my ticket because otherwise I’d probably back out tbh.


Look at that suitcase. Staring at me. I need to put some stuff in it.

How many books should I take?

Does dry shampoo actually work? Because I need to try that stuff.

I’ve never actually even stayed at school for longer than two weeks at a time, so this whole three months deal is a bit heinous.

If my dog dies while I’m gone I’ll never be okay again.

Or my cat.


I need a Spanish Bible.

Wait I forgot there’s a weight limit on suitcases when you travel.


I don’t think I thought this through.

I did not think this through.

Okay but I’m kind of excited.


I’m really not kidding when I say that all these things go through my head on a daily basis. Along with other more serious things, like how much I’ll miss my people and—on bad days—how much I wonder if they’ll even miss me.

But none of it matters all that much. Because, regardless of what’s running around in my head, the next three months of my life are set aside for a grand adventure. I get to learn my favorite language, and meet other people who love it as much as I do. I get to experience a new culture. I get to travel and live and see. And then I’ll come home.

I probably won’t be the same person I am now, and it’s a little scary to think about it. But I’m still going. Like I said—I already bought my plane ticket. And I’m secretly hoping that this opens doors for the person I’m supposed to be for the rest of my life. Because goodness knows I haven’t got any better ideas.

Before I have to be a real adult, with a real job and real bills, I get to be this person. And that’s fun.

SO. Ways you can contact me/support me/pray for me:

-I have an address! Send me mail. I will appreciate you forever. You seriously have no idea how much getting mail means to me.
Bailey Gerber
Latin American Studies Program
Apdo. 54-2070
Sabanilla, Montes de Oca
San José, Costa Rica

-WhatsApp – download this app to text me/be in more frequent communication with me. It’s what I’ll use primarily, other than my email. (If you prefer email, use the one affiliated with this blog J )

-Pray for me!
            -For safe travels on the way to Costa Rica and throughout my time there
            -That I’ll be able to set aside my own expectations to see God’s plan better
            -That I’ll be focused and fully present, rather than thinking about home
            -That the person I am when I return is more whole than the one I am now
            -Just pray. Jesus knows what I need, even when I don’t.

Okay, that’s all for now. Blogging is on hold until I am safely arrived and settled in Costa Rica in two weeks. So. Hasta luego.
