
Showing posts from September, 2016

Thoughts::Pursuing Truth

I have SO MUCH to say. And like I said a few days ago, not nearly enough space for all of it. I promise I'm going to do better with telling you about my adventures and the places Jesus has met me here. But for now, I'm sitting in the uncomfortable. And I want to share it with you, because discomfort is always, always, always the point at which growth occurs. So. Here goes. After just four weeks in Costa Rica, I'm realizing how little of the world I know. How much it's going to cost me to know it more. How much I'm really willing to sacrifice to do what I say I want to do. I'm learning about perspectives I've never considered, points of view I've never analyzed. All because I live in my own world, used to seeing God in my own ways, existing on my own terms. Everything I know, I've created. Based on what I've been taught and what I've been given. But this world--this new experience I'm living every day--is full of new truths th

Update: Las Primeras Semanas

¡Hola, mundo! I'm a little over three weeks into my Latin American Adventure, so I figured (since we've officially reached the point at which I've been here for more consecutive days than I've ever been at Grace) it was time for an update. I'll keep you informed on my adventures with all posts that begin with "Update." I'll also throw in a few "Thoughts" here and there (first one coming soon!) about some of the hard stuff I'm wrestling with and learning. Feel free to read one type and ignore the other, read both, or just straight ignore both. It's fine. (I guess.) (kidding, we're all cool here folks.) Anyway. I'm living in San José, Costa Rica. Pictured below. Is this actually my life? I'm not sure.  THERE ARE REAL MOUNTAINS actually they're volcanoes. neat, huh? a couple days ago, a volcano a few hours away from us erupted, so now there's ash in all the places where people  didn't clo