
Showing posts from 2018

On Failure (And Other Things Typical of My Life)

No surprise here: I lack self-discipline and commitment. I'd like to do better. [[Standard line]] For approximately the sixth time, I am picking the blog back up. I'm stepping into the Light again, since I've hidden away for about nine months. I do have a laundry list of excuses, and they mostly consist of things like: I worked all summer. It was busy. My last semester of college was packed, and I couldn't justify writing a blog when my capstone paper was staring me in the face. Working 8:00-5:00 is actually really hard; how do adults have time for anything besides work and sleep? _____________ [[Fill in any excuse here; I've probably used it to justify not writing.]] But there is one other reason I've been... avoiding the blog.  I failed Seven. I was doing okay until summer started, and then I kind of lost all the steam. [[If you missed my whole Seven escapade, check out my adventures pre-failure here , here , and here .]] Here's