
Showing posts from August, 2016

When You’re Leaving to Study Abroad in Like Two Weeks

I am less than two weeks away from my fall semester adventure. One of the requirements for my Spanish minor is a semester abroad in a Spanish-speaking country. I have been toying with out-of-country travel for the past two years: First I was majoring in Spanish and spending six months in Spain, starting in June. Then I changed my major, deciding instead to minor in Spanish and spend three months in Argentina starting in July 2016. Finally, after some circumstances outside of my control, I ended up deciding to spend three months in Costa Rica, from August to December. I fly out August 30 th . Let me tell you, that is approaching rather quickly, folks. A couple weeks ago I pulled out a suitcase and set it down in the corner of my room. Mission: Pack Three Months Worth of Your Life Into This Tiny Box That Will Sit Here And Give You Low-Key Anxiety Until You Are Packed Young Lady. It’s still pretty empty, save for some skirts and dresses, which really doesn’t bode we