Update: Las Primeras Semanas

¡Hola, mundo!

I'm a little over three weeks into my Latin American Adventure, so I figured (since we've officially reached the point at which I've been here for more consecutive days than I've ever been at Grace) it was time for an update. I'll keep you informed on my adventures with all posts that begin with "Update." I'll also throw in a few "Thoughts" here and there (first one coming soon!) about some of the hard stuff I'm wrestling with and learning. Feel free to read one type and ignore the other, read both, or just straight ignore both. It's fine. (I guess.) (kidding, we're all cool here folks.)


I'm living in San José, Costa Rica. Pictured below. Is this actually my life? I'm not sure. 
actually they're volcanoes. neat, huh?
a couple days ago, a volcano a few hours away
from us erupted, so now there's ash in all the places where people
 didn't close the windows. oh, and all over the roads and sidewalks.
(there was also ash in my eyes, nose, and hair for a good little while.
it's like snow. except gray. and worse for your health. it's crazy, guys.
we are not in kansas [indiana] anymore.)

 (Don't worry mom/grandma/whoever. Ashfall from eruptions is more or less commonplace. I am 100% safe.)

This is my host family here, and they're incredible. I'm so humbled by the way they've welcomed me
into their family and made this transition so seamless for me. My birthday was a week into this whole adventure,
and they took me out for lunch and ice cream to celebrate. It didn't take long for them to
realize that ice cream is the key to my heart. I absolutely adore them. Obvi

 So far, I've explored the city of San José, attended a Bible study at the University of Costa Rica, visited the Poás Volcano, celebrated Costa Rica's Independence Day, and spent a weekend in Limón Province. I don't have the space or time to tell about all of these things, but here are just a few excerpts of my experiences:

Yes. I did complete this hike.
(Did I stop for frequent rests? Yes. I'm not in shape. It was hard.)

Mis compañeros de clase de Español.
(I somehow managed to test into a class with fluent Spanish-speakers--a category I do not fall into--
so God bless these five for being so patient and supportive. 10/10, buena gente.)

(Sometimes it's too cloudy to see the neature,
so God really helped us out on this day.)

These students. We're missing three. But seriously. I have so much fun with them. I'm
absolutely honored to get the opportunity to know each one. It's weird, because I think
I connect more with these people than I ever did with my hall during my freshman year of college.
And it's only been three weeks. Cheers to the semester.

Darpy me celebrating El Día de la Independencia
(My host fam bought me ice cream after this, so it was a good day.)

Poor quality photo of some really cute lil dancers
in their traditional Costa Rican garb

Journeying to Limón. Kwshay hates photos,
but she tolerates me. God bless her. On the real.

Aaaaand la playa en Limón. Beautiful, right?

So that's what I've been up to in the past three weeks. Some days I am in legitimate awe of the fact that this is the life I’m having. Other days I am really quite ready for December to be here. I fluctuate between the two. But in the midst of all of it, I’m learning that Jesus is better. Better than what anything (or anyone) at home can offer me, better than any price I might pay for being here, better than anything I stand to lose. He's a risk sometimes--or at least that's how it feels--but He's always been worth it.

Everything has changed for me, from Bluffton to San José. But Jesus? He’s still the same. And even if I didn’t learn anything else this semester, that would still be enough.

Stay tuned, though, because I think He’s going to show me more than just that.

Hasta pronto.

(P.S. I cannot thank you enough for your prayers and encouragement along the way. If you're reading this, I love you. Thanks for being for me.)


  1. Wow!!! I am so impressed you are doing this - what a step! Looks like you are off to a great start!

  2. I love seeing all your adventures! Love you, sweetheart!❤️


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